Forward Plan: Executive Meeting: 16 June 2022


Table 1: Items scheduled on the Forward Plan for the Executive Meeting on 28 July 2022

Title and Description


Portfolio Holder

Results of the consultation on additional licensing for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)

Purpose of Report

To provide an update on the city-wide, statutory consultation undertaken in 2021 on the potential designation of targeted Additional Licensing Scheme for HMOs with 3 or 4 occupants within the wards of Hull Road, Guildhall, Clifton, Fishergate, Heworth, Micklegate, Osbaldwick & Derwent, and Fulford & Heslington and set forward options to determine whether to designate an additional licensing scheme.

Executive will be asked to: determine whether to designate an additional HMO licensing scheme.

Ruth Abbot & Michael Jones

Executive Member for Housing & Safer Neighbourhoods

Flood Resilience Innovation Programme Delivery Stage Approval

Purpose of Report

The council has been awarded funding through Defra’s Flood and Coastal Resilience Innovation Programme, as one of 25 nationally funded schemes.  The 6-year programme will develop a range of incentivised natural flood risk management opportunities across the River Swale, Ure and Nidd catchments. These measures will deliver flood resilience and climate change mitigation outcomes for York and North Yorkshire communities. The report will update the Executive on development of the project since the report to Executive on 21 June 2021, the business case development and approval from the Environment Agency and Defra, and outline the procurement and governance strategies, arrangements that will be in place and the ways they will be delivered with a wide range of partners across the river catchment.

Executive will be asked to: consider the updates detailed in the report and endorse the approach to governance and partnership working for the delivery phase of the project.

Steve Wragg

Executive Member for Environment & Climate Change

York Dementia Strategy

Purpose of Report

Work has been under way for some time to develop a Dementia Strategy for the City of York and there has been significant engagement with people with lived experience, carers and families of people with dementia to understand the current environment and the ambition for Dementia support in the future. A draft Strategy is currently under consultation across system partners, and will be presented to the Health and Adult Social Care Policy and Scrutiny Committee on 5 July 2022. This report will bring a final Dementia Strategy to Executive for consideration.

Executive will be asked to: sign off on the implementation of a 5 year Dementia Strategy for the City.

Jamaila Hussein

Executive Member for Health & Adult Social Care


Table 2: Items scheduled on the Forward Plan for the Executive Meeting on 18 August 2022

None currently listed.


Table 3: Items Slipped on the Forward Plan


Title & Description


Portfolio Holder

Original Date

Revised Date


Results of the consultation on additional licensing for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)

See Table 1 for details

Ruth Abbott / Michael Jones

Executive Member for Housing & Safer Neighbourhoods



Further detailed work and analysis is required to be undertaken which cannot be completed in time for the June Executive.